Monday, November 29, 2010

Mirror, Mirror...

During a recent trip, I was staying in a room adorned with a wonderful, large, old mirror. What made that mirror even more wonderful, is that "I thought" it magically made me look a little slimmer.  Somehow the mirrors in my house don't produce my image in quite the same way.  So which mirror do I trust?... Tough one, but.. I'm going with the large, old mirror.

On a similar note, one of my children recently reminded me of an interesting tidbit. He said, "No one can ever REALLY see themselves." He was referring to the fact that when you see your face, you actually see a reflection. He's right.

I can't help but think that it is really up to each person to choose which "mirror" they will believe.  Of course, although I am speaking literally, this works metaphorically too. A person's features, personalty, characteristics, even imperfections are really all based on perception. We all choose to see what we want to see in ourselves and in others. Let's choose wisely and strive to see the best in each other.

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